Cracker's Blog

Gallop into my writing!

The Golden Treasure

The gold was found in 1848 by James Marshall.  James Marshall found drive gold nuggets in the American River in California.  People went really fast to go for the gold.  The storekeepers raised the prices of things when gold was found so they got more money.  Gold fever is when you want and try to get all the gold for yourself.


Electricity Project

So how does electricity get to your house?


I wrote what order it goes in, and how it gets to my house.  I found pictures to go with it.  So you can see how electricity gets to your house and it can take awhile.  I thought of what I thought nobody else would do, and I picked Legos.  So I made a Lego house, and it has wire for the wire poles.  I made a solar panel because it can get to hour house by solar panels.  I made a transformer and a meter.  I made a solar panel in the house.  I made a picture of the house and a sun to show it comes from light to solar panels.  There is a cloud because the wind can make a windmill spin to generate a battery.  A pool is there to show electricity can come from moving water.  There’s a key that shows what things mean, like green means it is underground because the wires can go underground.  My most interesting fact is that I didn’t know that it took so many steps to get to your house.

  1.  Electricity is made at a power plant by huge generators.  Most power plants use coal, but some use natural gas, water, or even wind.
  2. The current is sent through transformers to increase the voltage to push the power long distances.
  3. The electrical charge goes through high voltage transmission lines that stretch across the country.
  4. It reaches a substation where the voltage is lowered so it can be sent on smaller power lines.
  5. It travels through distribution lines to your neighborhood, where smaller pole-top transformers reduce the voltage again to take the power safely to our homes.
  6. It connects to your house through the service drop and passes through a meter that measures how much our family uses.
  7. The electricity goes to service panels in your basement or garage, where breakers or fuses protect the wires inside your house from being overloaded.  Never touch a service panel!  It is very dangerous.
  8. The electricity travels through wires inside the walls to the outlets and switches all over your house.

Young Eagles!

Buckle your seat belts!  Ready for takeoff!  I’m going to tell you about an amazing, awesome, unbelievable field trip!

When we got there, we watched a Young Eagles video, and it showed how the Young Eagles before us have flown.

Then we went outside, and we checked all the parts of the plane.  We got to smell the gas, and it smelled like the gas from a car but it was a little bit different.

Then the first flight went to get ready, and it was Karis and Autumn.  Then when they came back, I was next.  I went with Martha and Greyson.  Greyson was in front, and I was farthest from the door, and Martha was sitting next to me, and then Greyson drove.  It felt like we were going to flip over.

Martha and I kept saying, “This is so fun!”  Because it was.  It was the best field trip ever!


Mini Space Investigation

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Bible Book Project on Ruth

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I’m the world’s nightlight.

I creep around the sky

Glowing so bright.

I wave at the buzzing crickets flying by.

I smile at the brown-winged owls,

Eyes so bright as they fly through the night.

I am the bright, mysterious moon.


Our Object Lesson Chapel


Trust in the Lord

Jo: We are going to have you go through our obstacle course.


Ja: The trick is that one of the partners will be blindfolded while the other goes through. You have to get your blindfolded partner to pick up the beanbag, step over the line, sit in the chair, and put the beanbag into the ring, all without touching your partner.


Jo: Do you trust your partner to lead you? Grownups please help us watch for safety, so that no one has a crash.


Ja: Partner up and put the blindfold on one partner. Go!


***Watch that everyone is safe!


Jo: What do you think our obstacle course can remind you of about God?


Ja: The Bible teaches us that God is very faithful and trustworthy, way more than our partner even was! We can trust Him in everything.


J and J: Lead Proverbs 3:5-6 from your poster!


***Put the beanbags and blindfolds back to the beginning of the obstacle course while the new group comes.




Time Travel, part 1

One day a girl named Zoe had a project due on Monday.  It was Sunday!  Oh, no!  It’s due tomorrow!

“Okay, get ready for church!” said Zoe’s mom.

“Okay,” said Zoe.  But that’s not what she was thinking.

“How am I going to do my project?” said Zoe.

“Come on!  We can’t be late!”

“I’m coming, Mama!”

Clip!  Clop!  Clip!  Clop!

“Oh, no!  Mom is coming!”


“Hi,” Mom said.  “Don’t forget, I have to look at your project before tomorrow.”

“Oh, about that . . . . I didn’t do it yet.”

“Well, well,” said Mom.

“I’m so, so, so, so sorry.  I’ll do it right after church.”

“Okay, but it had better be done with effort, okay?”

“Yes, Mom!”

After church . . .

“Okay, time to build my machine,” said Zoe.

A few hours later . . . .

“Okay!  Done!  Time to go to bed.”

At school . . .

“Time to share my  . . . . ”


” . . . Or maybe not!”

(To be continued .  . . . )

Sewing in Math–Parabolic Curves


It is really cool how you can make curves out of straight lines.  You usually don’t think of that happening!  The design came out really cool looking, I think, and you didn’t need too many supplies to make it even!

Person in a Pouch: King Tut

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