Cracker's Blog

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Month: March 2016

Sewing in Math–Parabolic Curves


It is really cool how you can make curves out of straight lines.  You usually don’t think of that happening!  The design came out really cool looking, I think, and you didn’t need too many supplies to make it even!

Person in a Pouch: King Tut

jaelyn1 jaelyn2

Time to Shine (part 3)

(Written by Trot-along and Cracker)

Part 3

Narrator: In the gym . . .

Chloe: Wow! This gym is awesome! I’m going to go practice.

Clara: Yeah, me too!

Dad: Wow! They’re awesome.

Mom: I know, right?

Narrator: In the car . . .

Dad: I wonder what that noise was. Well, I’m going to find out.

Spurgeon: Meow!

Dad: Oh, he’s so cute. I have to show Chloe and Clara.

Narrator: Back in the gym . . .

Dad: Girls! Girls! Girls! Look what I found!

Mom: Shhh, they’re practicing.

Chloe: Mom! (six second wait) Wow! Dad, what did you find?

Dad: A kitten! Go get Clara!

Jadon: Why do girls go crazy over whatever you have . . . .oh! A Cute little kitty kitty!

Chloe: Seriously.

Jadon: What? I like cats.

Chloe: Well, you can stay and snuggle with your kitty kitty. I’m going to go practice.

Mom: (whispering) Will Jadon ever grow up?

Dad: It’s not looking good.

Jadon: What are we all whispering about?

Mom: Stop whispering and watch the girls.

Narrator: One hour later . . . .

Dad: Let’s go home.

***Did the girls win the competition?

***Does the family keep the kitty kitty?

***Does Jadon get the cat in his room?

***Stay tuned for more adventures with the crew from Time to Shine!

Time to Shine (part 2)

(written by Cracker and Trot-along)


Part 2

Narrator:  In the car .. .

Chloe:  I’m so excited I can’t breathe!

Clara:  Do you need mouth to mouth?

Chloe:  No, Clara, it’s just an expression.

Clara:  Then why did I read all those doctor books?

Chloe:  Ummm . . . .

Clara:  Shhhhhhhh . . . sh!  I am not finished!

Chloe:  Yes, you are.

Clara:  No, I’m not.

Mom:  Are you guys okay back there?

Dad:  Yeah, girls, do you need a granola bar?  (tossing back two granola bars)

Clara:  Really, Dad?

Chloe:  Yeah, really, Dad?  Wait!  What were we talking about?

Dad:  Clara was talking about how crazy I am!

Jadon:  You know you guys are crazy, right?

Mom:  We like to think of it as unique.

Jadon:  Wait!  Pull over the car.

Dad:  And what would the reason for that be?

Jadon:  Because I think that’s my friend pulling his car over.

Spurgeon:  Meow!  Meow!  Meow!

Dad:  What was that?

Chloe:  Pull over the car, and I’ll see what it is.

Dad:  Fine, but make it quick.  We have to make it to your swim meet on time.

Clara and Chloe together:  GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!

Time to Shine (part 1)

(Written by Cracker and Trot-along)


Chloe: (waking up) Wait! It’s the day of our competition!

Mom: Girls, wake up!

Chloe: (falling asleep) I’m already awake!

Mom: No, I’m serious. Get up!

Chloe: Fine. I’ll go wake up Clara. (walking to Clara) Clara! Clara! Wake up!

Clara: (half asleep) What?

Chloe: It’s the day of the competition!

Clara: No, it’s not. It’s tomorrow.

Chloe: Then why are you sleeping in your leotard?

Clara: Because I am!

Chloe: No, I’m serious. You’re sleeping in your leotard.

Clara: No, I’m not!

Dad: Girls, get ready for your swim thing!

Chloe: It’s gymnastics, Dad!

Dad: Whatever the name is, get ready for it!

Clara: Did he say it wrong again?

Chloe: Would you be surprised?

Clara: I don’t get it.

Chloe: Yes, he said it wrong again.

If You’re Not From Vermont

A form change poem

(with thanks to David Bouchard, “If You’re Not From the Prairie . . . )


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know rocks,

You can’t know rocks.

Round, gray, boring rocks,

Or that’s how it seems.

Black on the outside,

And bright on the inside.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know rocks.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know mud.

You can’t know mud.

Goppy, gloppy, yucky brown mud.

Splash!  Splash!

If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know mud.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know streams,

You can’t know streams.

Splashing, swaying, flowing streams.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know leaves.

Rainbow leaves,

Bright popping leaves!


You see,

My hands are the tree branches swaying.

My toes have touched the warm, wet Vermont ground.

My hair is the storms,

My eyes are the moon.

I’ve been born here.

I’ve been growing here.

My home is Vermont,

And I will stay here.



Popping Out Red!

Red is the smell of roses in the summertime.

Red is the sound of the cling, cling of chimes.

Red is fire crackling and the s’mores when I do my chores.

Red is apple cider boiling over the cup.

Red is God saying, “Come on, flowers!  Wake up!”

Red is my grandpa when he gives me big hugs.

Red is the color of the ladybugs.

Red is steak sizzling on the grill

And being past winter’s chill.

Red is candy hearts melting in my mouth,

And the light of the lighthouse.

Red is popping out!

Red is popping out!


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